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How to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Improve Brain Functions

Brain exercises

Have you sometimes experienced some of the following symptoms?

  • Forget important things, particularly newly learned information or important dates
  • Ask for the same information again and again
  • The trouble with solving basic problems, such as keeping track of bills or following a favorite recipe
  • Losing track of the date or time of year
  • Losing track of where you are and how you got there
  • The trouble with depth perception or other vision problems
  • The trouble with joining conversations or finding the right word for something
  • Misplacing things and not being able to retrace your steps to find it
  • Increasingly poor judgment
  • Withdrawal from work and social situations
  • Changes in mood and personality

These could be the early sign of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, a cognitive impairment that occurred in the first 11 to 15 years of Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Here are some ways to prevent or slow down the progress of the disease:

  • Practicing Tai JI and Qigong regularly
  • Doing some finger exercises every day
  • Turning walnuts or similar size of balls in your hands regularly to stimulate the acupuncture points on your hands.
  • learning something new, new classes, new language, and new hobbies to exercise your brain

Why these can help? We know that almost everyone develops plaques and tangles as they age. But those with Alzheimer’s disease develop many, many more. These plaques and tangles damage the memory areas of the brain at first. Over time, they affect more areas of the brain.

Tai Ji and Qigong are designed to stimulate different meridians including the ones connected to the brain. This will help to reduce or slow the build-up of plaques and tangles and unblock the blockage along the path. Same reason why turning walnuts in your hands or doing some other finger exercises can help sharpen your brain.

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