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How To Relax in Tai Ji?

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In Tai Ji, relaxation is not a procedure, but a result of practice. Relaxation involves aspects of mental state, physical condition, and the coordination of the mind, breath, and movement.

Here are some tips on practicing relaxation:

Relaxing the mind:

An easy and effective way of relaxing your mind is to focus on your breath and breathe deeply. When you are concentrating on breathing you can’t be thinking about anything else. Breathing deeply and slowly will help you release anxiety and calm your mind. Trying to pay attention to the air flowing in and out when you inhale and exhale. By concentrating on your breathing, you will focus on the present and your mind will shift away from worries. One purpose of Qigong in Tai Ji’s class is to relax the mind.

Relaxing the body:

Shifting the bodyweight is one way to relax the body. Standing with a bow stance, and shifting your weight between the heels and toes slowly will stimulate acupuncture points in the feet. This will help to relax the body, and also soothes the mind. One purpose of the basic Tai Ji exercises in Tai Ji class is to help you to relax your body. When you do the exercises, try to feel where you are tense and consciously relax that part of your body.

Relaxing in movements:

Focusing on movements alone will calm down your mind. In turn, it will cause breath slower and deeper. To be able to focus on the movements, you need to know the movements. Therefore, it is important to remember what you learned. It will help you to concentrate. It is also important to keep calm if you forget sometimes, try to remember next time. It is an opportunity to practice patience and persistence.

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