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Supplementary materials for learning Tai Ji on Zoom

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Learning Tai Ji on Zoom can be challenging compared to learning in person. However, your learning experience can be less difficult and more rewarding by effectively using some of the available supplementary materials.

One supplementary material for virtual Tai Ji classes on Zoom is single-step videos. These videos show the detailed breakdown movements, the foot works, the hands and upper body movements of a single step. The videos give you a clearer view of the movements. It can help you to practice what you have learned from the Tai Ji class on Zoom at home.

Another supplementary material is the documents describing or explaining the directions of Tai Ji with examples and diagrams. In the Zoom classes, what you see on the screen may or may not be mirrored, it could be very confusing when learning new movements involving turns. After understanding the concept described in the documents, you can easily understand and get the direction right when learning new movements involving turns based on the demonstration and description of the instructor during the classes.

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