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Improve Coordination and balance with Tai Ji Exercises

Movements in Tai Ji Quan may look slow and effortless, but actually are quite complicated and require good coordination, balance, concentration to do it right. Fortunately, there are some Tai Ji exercises that can train your body to be more coordinated.

诚明( Cheng Ming) Tai ji (Chi)

The Cheng Ming Taiji involves the constant shifting of the weight from one foot to another by bringing the empty foot closer to the full. It also includes some elements of all five popular Tai Ji ( Chen, Yang, Wu, Sun, Wo) styles.

Supplementary materials for learning Tai Ji on Zoom

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Learning Tai Ji on Zoom can be challenging compared to learning in person. However, there are some supplementary materials can make the learning experience less difficult and more rewarding…

Practicing Tai Ji for a Sharper Mind

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Practicing Tai Ji not only exercises muscles and joints, but it also exercises the brain and has a good effect on the central nervous system.